Romania / Constanta / Cotu Vaii Positioning farm
Cotu Valley city located on county road that connects the town of Mangalia Negru Voda border at 19km away from the Black Sea. The road is paved and very good quality. Distances to major cities are Bucharest 230km, 19km Mangalia, Constanta 40km, 30km Dobrich, Balchik 60km, 70km Varna, Albena 65km.
Description firm
Total area owned 41.678mp:
-30.000sqm unincorporated arable land cultivated with alfalfa joined by the city; land is surrounded on all 4 sides of the road operation and has water and electricity;
11.678mp built-metallic fenced with concrete pillars, construction compound, courtyards and arable:
The total area of operation of the property 50.000mp 41,678 and unincorporated 8322mp in use at village hall Albesti
Building Description
-a house built in 2007. Reinforced concrete columns and beams brick walls ST = approx 200sqm-5 cam., 2pcs, 2 bathrooms, 2 porches, workshop and store tools and materials, bridge 200sqm, ceramic tiles, glass windows, metal doors, galvanized roofing sheets, office and furnished with 11calorifere central heating, boiler Junkers;
-Mushroom built in 2007 with air-conditioning heating-cooling import, import humidification systems with automatic control temperature, humidity, fresh air and exhaust air introduced, concrete building with basement and ground floor of bricks isolated STC = 190mp thermal bridge and galvanized roofing sheets with a supr.utila 1000mp, compost + peat 30000kg capacity, technology and suppliers;
Work-room, sorting 20mp mushroom packaging;
-2-50C cold room 8MP, about 20mc;
Ramp access, basement storage mushroom mushrooms 3kg packing boxes covered with zinc sheets;
Animal-shelter built of stone and brick anul2007 60 mp with concrete floor and roof galvanized corrugated bridge;
-32mp warehouse platform plank made of concrete;
-Water + channel;
Current-phase 35kw with its own network;
-Original Honda 5HP tiller with all attachments, reversible plow, seeders, mowers, rarity, weeding, disintegrating boulders, Billon, potato harvester metal and rubber wheels;
-Chainsaw, abric, grinder, mixer, tools, devices, submersible pumps, electric welding machines;
-Car, Dacia 1300 with trailer;
-Meet all standards in the field.
Built about 11600mp is divided into two areas, one planted with cereals and other arable with that building, house, mushroom, animal shelters, shed materials and solar.
1.brick concrete construction structure to shelter people consists of 3 bedrooms, 1 living room with open kitchen, 1 kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 1 room for workers that is mounted heating and rising and deposit special materials. The building has two entrances with porches and porch type space on the south, the east side entrance with room and vascular plant. Windows are windows, metal doors, windows and wood. The house is covered with galvanized corrugated sheets and bridge has timber flooring
2.The hall for mushroom has a basement and ground floor concrete and masonry exterior insulated with polystyrene, with bridge materials stored grain and covered with galvanized corrugated sheets, equipped with air-conditioning and humidification with automatic control for air conditioning.
Animal 3.The hall area of about 60 mp can accommodate 500 birds and is built of stone with concrete floor, attic and roof insulated galvanized corrugated sheets.
4. Te hall separately for 400 chickens made of stone with concrete floor, attic and roof insulated galvanized corrugated sheets.
5. Storeroom - 32mp of the board with concrete floor and roof tar paper covered with dense wood stock and gardening tools
6.Solar made of acacia poles and timber frame, wrapped in UV resistant and equipped with watering plant with four nutrient solution storage tanks with total capacity of 10mc.
The 38322mp unincorporated consists of two areas, one in our property and another received for operating 30000mp from Albesti Hall of 8322mp, both cultivated in the alfalfa.
All properties are surveying, construction permits, tabulation and no mortgages or other debts.
Asset type: Warehouse and Industrial Building for Sale
Status: Very Good
Business Type - Farms and Fishing
Owner financing?: Yes